Melissa Ruiz is currently a segment producer of Tribune Broadcasting, CW and The Bill Cunningham Show. Being a segment producer in one of the top television production companies in the United States, she had acquired in producing authentic shows and authentic storytelling relevant to their web audiences and shows.
She was also a producer and director of Walmart: Fight Against Hunger Campaign back in 2013. The Walmart Foundation is a charitable foundation that proudly supports important associates and cutomers in their own neighborhoods. As a producer and director during this campaign, Melissa Ruiz had helped the Walmart Foundation in initiating people who are willing to share and donate where the foundation was focusing on such as, education, workforce development, economic opportuiity, environmenta sustainability, health and wellness and the main focus during that year was Fight Against Hunger.
Melissa Ruiz helped throughout this campaign by applying her skills as a producer and director by providing creative talent and journalists in showing what the campaign is all about. She had contributed in showing and getting point of the campaign through her unique and original write-ups, casting and interviews for the real people involved during the campaign.
See more at: Melissa Ruiz: Life of a Segment Producer
Melissa Ruiz knows that being in the production and directing industry could somehow let her encourage people in joining in supportive foundations and campaigns by reaching out to the right people and right platform of communication. In the modern industry, television is one of the empowering aid in getting people involved in current happenings. It does not only perk up their interests in watching but also touching their hearts and pushing them be part of it too. As a producer and director during this campaign, Melissa Ruiz truly did made her point across to the target audience.
In 2013, a total of 571 million pounds of food were donated which is equivalent to 369 million meals to local hunger relief organizations and food banks like Feeding America and its 200 food banks across the nation. And a total od 180 trucks and refrigerated trailers that ensures that nutritious and fresh products are being delivered safely to those in need.
For more info: See Melissa Ruiz on Google+ and Follow Melissa Ruiz on LinkedIn